Birds of Andes and Atacama Chilean Flamingo - Near Threatened F7.1 SS1/4000 ISO 400 AV Spot Chilean Flamingo - Near Threatened F5.6 SS1/8000 ISO 400 AV Spot Chilean Flamingo - Near Threatened F8 SS1/320 ISO 1000 AV Spot James's Flamingo - Near Threatened F5.6 SS1/8000 ISO 800 AV Spot Burrowing Owl - Least Concerned F5.6 SS1/800 ISO 1000 AV Spot Andean Flamingo - Vulnerable F5.6 SS1/8000 ISO 400 AV Spot Chilean Mocking Bird - Least Concerned F5.6 SS1/500 ISO 640 AV Spot Rufous-Naped Ground Tyrant - Least Concerned F75.6 SS1/4000 ISO 800 AV Spot Black-billed Shrike-tyrant - least concerned F7.1 SS1/1600 ISO 800 AV Spot Vicuna - Least Concerned F7.1 SS1/2000 ISO 1000 AV Spot Baird's Sandpiper - Least Concerned F5.6 SS1/2500 ISO 1000 AV Spot Greenish-Yellow Finch - Least Concerned F5.6 SS1/640 ISO 250 AV Spot Mountain Parakeet - Least Concerned F7.1 SS1/1600 ISO 800 AV Spot Buff Breasted Earth-creeper - Least Concerned F7.1 SS1/2500 ISO 800 AV Pattern Black Hooded Sierra Finch - Least Concerned F5.6 SS1/500 ISO 100 AV Spot Vicuna - Least Concerned F7.1 SS1/4000 ISO 1000 AV Spot Andean Avoicet - Least Concerned F7.1 SS1/5000 ISO 400 AV Spot Moustached Turca - Least Concerned